It’s time for hope

There are plenty of reasons to be fearful, but if we want change, then we must have hope.

hope-based communications is a new approach to social change activism based on narrative change.

It is based around five simple shifts that any person or organization can apply to their work. This newsletter will provide regular guidance on how you can apply those shifts, and examples of hope-based activism from around the world.

We operates as a community of like-minded social change communicators and campaigners who want to win campaigns and influence people to be better. 

Ål Nik for Fine Acts

Our purpose is to help social justice movements to apply insights from other fields like neuroscience, psychology and digital marketing to their causes so that they can achieve long-term changes in attitudes and behavior. The newsletter will also share research and insights from other fields that we find relevant for civil society activism.

Our community is open to anyone who wants to use the hope-based approach. Please get in touch if you want to know more, ask for advice on hope-based framing or messaging or simply take the hope-based communications pledge.

Get your regular hit of hopamine

Subscribe to the hope-based communications newsletter for stories and strategies of hope. You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Purvi Kedia for Fine Acts

Subscribe to hope-based communications

Your regular hit of hope-amine, sharing hope-based campaigning and communications work from across the hope-based community, along with strategy and messaging advise, and other good hopey-changey stuff


Founder, hope-based communications